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Unit 7: Mechanical Waves & Sound


Ever wonder what that Sine and Cosine were really used for from Geometry class?  Sure, they work with triangles and circles, and the occasional engineer will use them designing an auto part or geologist when looking at an earthquake or nuclear explosion.  But, they also represent sound, and who doesn't really enjoy jamming out to a good toon?  We will break these ideas up to look at their components of: amplitude, period, frequency and wavelength.  Oh, you can also apply this to your time at the beach watching the water!

Physics - B Semester

Unit 8: Electrical Current


​What makes a lightbulb light up, a computer compute, or a cell phone....cell?  Electricity!  First, we will start with Coulomb's law, which explains how Charge and Electric Forces work.  Then, we will look at energy and voltage.  Next a closer look at how circuits work, using Ohm's law.  Finally, we tie it into how we make electricity, with Magnets & the Magnetic Force. 



I will attempt to put links to two major resources here: Kahn Academy for various videos that will offer you a great explenation of the topic.  Also, I will link to PDF's of an online textbook (from the CK-12 Foundation) that is another great, free, resource to help you understand the materials.  As time permits, I will provide links to either PDF's or to google docs with the various practice problems that I may provide in class - just don't plan on them always being on here.  

Unit 9: Light & Optics


​Ever wonder why the mirror you are looking at will turn your right side into your left side, but not the bottom of your face into the top?  Well, here we examine reflection and refrection, a bit about mirrors and lenses, and also at just how we think light is both a particle and a wave!

Unit 10: Nuclear Energy


No, I won't give you diagrams on how to build your own nuclear weapons.  I will, however, give you some of the basic theory of the science behind the splitting, and fusing, of atoms.  What you do with this dangerious knowledge is up to you!  Will it be for good or bad?


Seniors: at every school I have worked at you have gotten done with classes 3 weeks before everybody else.  Therefore, unfortunately, you get to miss out on this world changing knowledge.    

Unit 6: Parabolic Motion


That big weight on the end of the lever arm on a grandfathter clock - ever wonder why it keeps time so well?  Well, wonder no more, we will look into how this works, and will explain it with the help of looking closely at a perfect circle.

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